Discernment Faith

The 2018 Lent Challenge

The Lenten season is upon us. As a practicing Christian, I know the question is inevitable, “What did you give up for Lent?” In past years I had a few go-to answers; chocolate, sugar, social media. I even tried a full orthodox style vegan fast once. It didn’t go so well. Yikes.

This year my husband and I have been pursuing balance in our lives. Balance for us looks like rigorous attention to our physical, financial, and spiritual fitness. We’ve basically been counting a lot of things: calories, steps, dollars, and Hail Marys. We aren’t always on top of our game but we push ahead and the end result has been a deeper trust in each other and in God.

In light of these changes, I have decided to change my usual “pick and fast and hope you can stick to it” Lenten practice. I’m still giving something up: facebook and fast food, but I’ve decided to focus on finding ways to practice works of mercy and kindness during this preparation for Easter.

The goal is to enter into the sacrifice of the Lamb and rejoice at the Resurrection. Preparing my soul for Holy Week means small daily sacrifice, with prayerful intent, and adding little acts of kindness.

If you’d like to join me, you can find a great daily list of kind acts here.

I also journaled a few fun ideas just for you: