
Wellness Tracker Challenge

It’s no secret that I dislike January. I always struggle with Christmas season withdrawal, grey skies, weak sunlight, bracing for weeks more of school before the next vacation… You get me. Praised be to God, this January has been the best ever. I really fell for the 12 days of Christmas this year. I loved celebrating and praying with the texts of the feats of the Holy Family, the Epiphany, etc. It put me in that sparkly Christmas mood all over again and got me revved for prayer time, spiritual reading, and volunteering goals.

Another big reason for my love of 2018’s January is DISNEY. My handsome husband and I went on our long overdue (by 6 months) honeymoon to Orlando. It was a blissful and beautiful week of 70° days. Maybe I’m one of those people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder because sunshine is #goals and I cannot get enough of it. I always forget how much walking one does at Disney. We triumphantly clocked 7-10 miles of walking per day. I wouldn’t have described myself as an active person before Disney and so I was dealing with sore feet and legs but I was up and at em’ each day, because DISNEY. Also, Harry Potter World!! Coming home threatened a return to my couch potato lifestyle but now that my body has been through a week of walking bootcamp, I am eager to keep up the good work.

Here we are at Epcot! #nofilter #nomakeup #nonothin’

I took to social media upon our arrival back home to track down the best calorie tracking, workout, and general wellness logs. I was surprised to not find a ton of calorie trackers out there and so I built my own. My plan is to build multiple spreads in all of the categories below during the next few weeks. I’ll take detailed notes about the time it took, the materials used, and the practicality. Tune back in soon or sign up for my newsletter to see how the various popular trackers stack up against each other. These are my top picks for beauty and originality right now.

Body Tracker via the.petit.planner

IMG_6962Adorable. My only change would be making the drawing on the left a bit more curvy or without a face… more mannequin style. I love the tape doodle and her shading of the lines in the top chart.

Weight Loss Tracker via my_blue_sky_design

IMG_6963I’m totally in love with her style. I love the series of boxes at the bottom. So clean and beautiful… and so blue (so you know I’m gonna love it already). This is such a fast and fun way to visually track your progress. I know I will work super hard to make that line move down the chart. I wish there was room to track the exact number on this spread.

Meal Plan log via grey.and.copper


Yes girl, this is adorable. She built this spread for 5 meals (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner), which is totally up my alley. If you wanted to include your after dinner snack or sweet, just add an extra row. She adds the shopping list at the bottom, which makes so much sense for a meal plan page.

Sleep log via boho.berry

IMG_6968Boho berry is one of the queens of bullet journaling, hands down. She’s the lady who made me first consider buying a dotted journal. Her sleep log is lovely and allows for tracking a pattern at a glance. I feel like it will take forever to set up but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Workout and wellness tracker via craftyenginerd

IMG_6969This catch all tracker is beautiful and concise. I love how little room each tracker takes up on the page. The exercise chart at the bottom isn’t so much a tracker as it is just a reminder about what to do in each set. I suppose she could shade each box as she completes it. It looks like her sleep and water logs are just for a week so maybe she changes up her sets each week.

Calorie counter via littlebluelife17

IMG_1032I only just built this spread and have so many ideas for changes and ways to make it more succinct. Let me know your suggestions below. I’m def more into the washi-tape than the gals above and I might skip that in my next iteration of this log.